Friday, August 3, 2012

Summer Puppies

Thor and Maia are truly enjoying their summer.  Lots of play time at Astoria Park, meeting other dogs, and well...sleeping .  Yes.  Because that's what superdogs do best during the hot summer weather.  Sleep and play in the grass and sleep some more.

Hope you enjoy this little video!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Puppies Playing in Astoria Park

    On a gorgeous morning in July, as the sun rose over Astoria, Queens, the sound of birds was heard chirping playfully at a distance as if to signify that good had once again prevailed. After a long week of doing err... whatever it is that SuperDoggies do... Ruffwonder and Pupfury welcomed the break from all their crazy adventures and decided to enjoy the calm sunny day in New York. Soon they came across a large group of puppies playing in Astoria Park - this was the perfect opportunity to make some new friends. Thor was a little nervous at first (he is, after-all, only 4 months) but with Maia's help, he soon came out of his shell and was running, bouncing, and playing with the other dogs in no time!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

New York City Puggle

"Sniff...sniff" Maia the puggle greets the rainy morning in the land of New York City.
As she roams throught the streets of Queens with her yellow raincoat,
she checks every tree for worthyness of her mark. The mark of Pupfury!
A unique scent passes by her super puggle nose. She takes a wiff and perks her ears.
Surely enough, a local dog approaches.
Both dogs take turns sniffing, in their routine greeting ritual.  Then each will paw the ground and a play dance begins.  They jump around and paw each other as their humans juggle the leashes.
Meanwhile, thunder announces the approach of a storm and Maia the puggle still has some business among the trees of New York City.  So she bids the local dog farewell and continues her morning inspection.
Cars, trucks, and people pass.  But the busy puggle is fully focused on her mission.  After minutes of searching she finds a suitable tree.  She circles the trunk and leaves her mark, telling the New York dogs that Pupfury was here.
With her mission complete she looks at her human and barks, "Let's go home."

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The puppy and medicine woman

Thor paid a visit to a wise medicine woman (aka. his new vet) named Dr. Smith. He wanted to make sure he was eating the proper puppy foods and had taken all of his magic potions (shots) to grow into a powerful puppy warrior someday.
Dr. Smith examined Thor with great care from head to tail and found him in excellent condition. Except for one thing: his right eye. It appeared to be perfectly healthy but for some unknown reason, he could not see out of it.
This bit of news troubled our puppy. How was he supposed to catch the treat thief with only one eye?
The wise doctor said that with his super puppy hearing and scent tracking skills he could make his quest. She also told him about a powerful eye wizard (an optometrist) who could further analyze his eye.
Not all was lost. His journey would continue.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Cute puppy pictures to make you happy!

Today I decided to show you a few cute puppy pictures of Maia and Thor.  Because what’s life without…well…cute puppy pictures.  You can have the worst day ever and then come look at pictures of puppies…especially these puppies while sipping a cappuccino and you know that all will be ok. Well…at least I do.
We shall begin our journey back in time with little Maia Melody (aka. Pupfury).  Just a few weeks old clutching her stuffed little squirrel as she dreams of chasing a real squirrel the next day.  

puggle puppy pictures
Maia at around 10 weeks old
Oh yes! at that age our young little Maia was a tough hunter. She could take on the most ferocious pink dinosaur cause mayhem and terrorise the neighbors...

...and then, of course, look at you like this. Yup! Adorable.

cute puggle puppy pictures
The puppy look
Now comes the tall, dark, and handsome Thor Picaro (aka. Ruffwonder).  No more than nine pounds in weight when he arrived, but with a thunderous bark!
cute doberman puppy pictures
Thor at around 1 month old
 Also a powerful hunter, he would absorb all of Maia's tips and tricks at lightning speed.

With great patience, Maia would pass on her wisdom,
"Come little one. Together we shall find the treat thief!" dun! dun! dun!

cute puppy pictures
Our heroes staring into the horizon.
Till our next adventure!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Thor and Maia learning to share toys

Maia is used to being the only dog in the house.  So getting used to sharing her toys has been a new experience for her.

puggle puppy doesn't share her ball
No! My ball!
But....slooooowly.... she's learing

two puppies sharing toys take that one and I'll take this one
puppy chewing on tennis ball
Yum! tennis ball.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Ruffwonder's size vs. Pupfury's power

Thor is now almost twice the size of Maia.  However, Maia's agility and skill are far superior.  Well...poor little (BIG) Thor is only 3'ish months ;)
puppy destroys her stuffed toy animal
Maia destroyed her toy after five mins. She just had to get the squeaker out!  Thor's toy lasted a good eight hours.

fun dog food and water bowls
Maia's heart-shaped bowl vs. Thor's indestructable bowl made from recycled materials (weighs almost 2 lbs.)