Sunday, July 22, 2012

New York City Puggle

"Sniff...sniff" Maia the puggle greets the rainy morning in the land of New York City.
As she roams throught the streets of Queens with her yellow raincoat,
she checks every tree for worthyness of her mark. The mark of Pupfury!
A unique scent passes by her super puggle nose. She takes a wiff and perks her ears.
Surely enough, a local dog approaches.
Both dogs take turns sniffing, in their routine greeting ritual.  Then each will paw the ground and a play dance begins.  They jump around and paw each other as their humans juggle the leashes.
Meanwhile, thunder announces the approach of a storm and Maia the puggle still has some business among the trees of New York City.  So she bids the local dog farewell and continues her morning inspection.
Cars, trucks, and people pass.  But the busy puggle is fully focused on her mission.  After minutes of searching she finds a suitable tree.  She circles the trunk and leaves her mark, telling the New York dogs that Pupfury was here.
With her mission complete she looks at her human and barks, "Let's go home."